André Leon Talley and Diana Ross at Studio 54 on New Year’s Eve (December 31, 1978) photo by Sonia Moskowitz 🖤
Greetings loves, from the reverberations of Monday's full moon moment! How was yours?
I went to greet the sea and ended up watching the sunset and dancing starlings (for reference), despite initial nagging resistance i should have been working (inner hummings of what expectations were alive bts - more on that in the new podcast I shared with Patreon Fam last week)...
...but i was so grateful i made the pilgrimage to water, along with other strangers that seemed to be doing the same. Then later that evening, soaked in the tub as she beamed brightly into the room as foxes and humans howled outside. Ever in wonder at nature's profound effects on us.
I can’t believe that two years ago yesterday, Ketil and i were launching our ForRest art installation Haugtussa in Bryne, Norway.
It’s been two years?! Whew!
Hard to grapple with time these days… and i’ve been making something on: time through the lens of loneliness in this pandemic… and if that resonates, feel welcome to connect and share your thoughts with me by hitting reply to this mail!
You might know (- or not?!) this art installation stemmed from the many (many) events i and we have been running over the past…12 years (thank you!)
A continuation of exploring our connection to nature, the cycles, rhythms and the seasons, collectively in community as well as in our own practice. And these concepts still feel helpful to reconnect with (always) particularly when time feels particularly strange and lucid and liminal.
Nature as anchor and comforting friend.
For when it’s hard to imagine we’ll ever feel differently, or a friendly reminder of the ever-shifting fluidness of life (particularly in sticky times)
May we always remember we are part of this community...
And sidenote: i never publicly shared this full interview that we did for The Norwegian Short Film Festival where we talk more about the VR side of this project in relation to community + what it is ever-evolving to be (obviously expect unhinged moments from yours truly xoxo)
We also meet the midpoint of January in the northern hemisphere, and despite the balmy temperatures of late in Brighton, winter is still present. We wait, possibly impatiently, for the visible blooms, but are also subject to the realness of less energy (naturally), not to mention the very real exhaustion, trauma and heaviness from two years of living through this pandemic...and if like me, you're still distancing (since March 2020) the grief for our loss, collectively, individually is enormous.
A breath for it all.
For what we hold and have yet to process, as well as what we might be able to release.
May we always remember we are interconnected, interdependent and a community, no matter how long it has been, or how far at sea we might feel.
With that, a couple of offerings for you. For us:
For those of you looking for some online connection, i’m planning to have a zoom freewrite this Friday.
I know this is seemingly short notice but
1) what even is time? and
2) i like that it keeps it spicy and spontaneous and also takes the pressure off.
WHEN: Friday 21 January 2022 12:00 - 13:00 GMT (time converter here)
WHERE: Zoom. baybee.
HOW: Bring your own tools and yourself! You can have your camera on or off depending on your comfort level, most like to have it on as it can offer some “accountability” but i like to rename that as “mirroring connection in community”: you're aware you’re in a room with someone else for company, but everyone is just doing their thing, in sweet peace, you dig?
Register in advance for this meeting: If it speaks to you and you feel that little gut interest, simply hit reply to this mail and say, "freewrite? I’m in!", or equivalent, and i’ll send you the zoom room link. It's a free event.
Q: What is this thing dionne?
A: Some of you might be familiar with the freewrite sessions i’ve share over the years irl and online, but if not, you can expect a non-hierarchical, non-snooty gathering where we are in space together but also in our own pods via the internets. You might be familiar with the term “mirroring” which can be a really helpful tool for many, particularly neurodivergent folks, humans who might not be able to be in physical spaces with others right now, and those of us who might feel lonely but also not really feeling like having to be “smalltalk social”. It’s literally a room where we arrive, say hi, have a little check in (you choose your level of participation) then we have quiet time, go on mute and get on with our writing (or drawing / painting / creative project / reading / focus time). At the end, we check in again, and there’s an option to have conversation and connection, or to head off to continue the day.
Hearing the deep exhaustion on these streets and have been wanting to offer some tools that i hope can help support your nervous systems and hold space for you to explore, experiment and remember who you are.
thank you to those of you who have told me you miss my yoga + movement events - i miss you and am listening, so…
i'm also holding space for a livestream workshop soon-soon. Like real soon (end of this month). It will be one of my longer self care immersions and spaces to land from way back in the day, you know, practicing deep rest, that includes some yoga + movement + stillness, some connective tissue work, some freewriting with prompts and space for connection should you want it.
As always there will be extra tools + resources offered to you in the follow up to the session, so if you’re interested in this offering, hit reply to this email and i’ll send you the details.
Ok? Ok!
In honour of André and other icons who inspire us, The Other Bookclub: Walking with the Muses
I was a guest on Brooke's anniversary episode of her brilliant Naked Beauty Podcast, we celebrate (this show has taught me a LOT!) you can listen here!
Free yoga + movement journeys 4U
30 days of yogaThrowback podcast: Episode 14: Self care tips for managing the online world (when feeling all the feels gets too much)
Video 4 gentle times: Restful twisty somatic practice // Practice with Dionne
From the archives: Dealing with darker days 🌌 // ‘I Feel For You’ podcast episode 83
This episode is for those of you struggling with the darkness of the winter months, who might be low on energy, motivation, struggling to keep up, or just generally have a case of the winter blues.
🎧 Listen to i Feel For You episode 83 here
Or search for "I Feel For You Podcast" in Spotify, Apple or wherever you listen to your podcasts.
Want to support my work in a different way to Patreon?
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♻️You can share my work with people you dig and who might enjoy it!
✏️You can reach out to ask me to write for you or suggest places i can write here
👋You can request me to run an event / do a talk / dj / do podcasty things here
✨Thank you for reading, listening and practicing with me, as well as sending me mails in return with your thoughts and ideas. I appreciate every single one! 💜