Dolly demoing some sensational seasonal self care!
Hey, how are you?
NGL my friends... after 4 or is it 5 or actually more launches this month, not to mention honouring month 20 of social distancing - - - - and all the trimmings that have gone with these “unprecedented times”, burnout has been biting at my tail this week.
…Or was it simply realising i’ve been giving out above and beyond without checking my petrol warning light? It’s too soon to talk about petrol. or empty shelves. not even joking, can’t (can absolutely) believe we’re here again. welp.
Nonetheless, in this, #realtalk, i come with tidings that hope to remind you to not let yourself get too close to the edge of Burnout Town. Those of you who know this vicinity well are probably aware of the signs. But in case you, like me, keep chugging, ploughing, do-ing - because, well, that’s what we’ve always done, cause it’s really driven by surviving, i hope you might consider a check in, here, now, to honestly notice how you’re feeling.
✨ a break to practice feeling feelings✨
…want some music with that?