You are the farthest thing from an arsehole and I am so thrilled you can feel that sun on your skin and the grass under your toes. Enjoy every minute, soak it all in, you deserve it.

Q: What’s something new you’re adjusting to with awe, however small or fleeting, since 2020?

A: Oh so many things! But for now I will say stopping to talk instead of rushing by. Strangers, people I know, and everyone in between. I used to always be in such a damn rush. Now I am so grateful to be here I will stop and chat and ponder or help carry things or ask questions and listen to the answer. I am never in a rush anymore. I have all the time in the world because I hope to never take these simple pleasures for granted again.

Thank you for this prompt and thank you for this post. Love you xo

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2020 feels like a lifetime away and yet I haven't geographically moved. I am both in the same space and somewhere completely different.

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Beautiful post, Dionne. I love the Octavia quote. I subscribe to Earthseed! I'm a follower, lol.

The main thing I am getting used to since 2020 is living in a world without my dad. He died at the start of 2021 but I didn't see him since 2020 cos of pandemic. It isn't a delightful experience but it is my experience, and its what came to me so here I am sharing it.

Oh and HAVING A GARDEN. Yes, I feel squeamish at my privilege, and wrote about this recently. It's everything I hoped it would be all those years when I didn't have one...

Enjoy your balcony and your time to focus on creative stuff. 💜

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Gorgeous, Dionne! I’m in awe of time and truth since 2020. The passage of time has taken on an ethereal quality and I find myself often questioning what’s real and true.

I can totally relate to all the moving, by the way. I stopped counting when I realized I’d moved more times than years I had lived.

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We count ourselves very very fortunate to have spent the pandemic in a house with a balcony, which we only discovered during the pandemic! We call it now the balcony cafe. We eat breakfast and elevenses there and sometimes afternoon drinks and snacks.

(weather permitting) Our balcony is admired by one friend as it gives access to clean the windows in the main rooms of the house.

I am getting used to spending time just sitting in the sun..like a proper old person;-)

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